Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Go Go Taiko: Conclusion, revisited

So i did this sort of as a favor to Mike. Well, i say "a favor", but really he never asked or even expected me to do it. We were just talking about his taiko comic and how he'd never really concluded it, and he joked that he was just going to do one last strip saying "and then everybody died. The end." And then i objected, saying that all his loyal readers would get no satisfaction from that ending, and he retorted that it would be better than no ending at all, and then i reflected on how that conversation would actually go were he a storyteller and we his audience, and this is the eventual brainchild of that conversation.

I actually made a version of this about eight months ago, before i started making comics on a regular basis. I like to think that i've learned a significant amount in that time, one of the first and most important lessons being, "don't try to stuff eighteen panels into one page." There are some other slight improvements to timing, wording, aesthetics (or i like to think so, anyways) and layout, and knowing what i know now i think i'd have preferred to take a few new photos, but all in all i think that it's somewhat better.

Mike's comics are here.

My original attempt (sigh) is here.


Anonymous said...

is it bad if i like the original?

Scott said...

more than the new ones? Mmm... bad for me, maybe. Means i haven't improved as much as i thought i had. Or at the very least i have not improved to the point where my improvements can be seen universally as improvements. As it were.