Monday, November 3, 2008

Fountain Pen

For some reason i always believe that some new piece of tech will make my comics better. A finer sharpie, photoshop, a tablet, colored pencils, markers, a fountain pen. It's not necessarily an irrational belief - photoshop and the tablet both marked significant improvements, and every other new pen bit thing has in some way made the process easier or more interesting. At the same time, it really is kind of irrational because i don't make markedly better comics because of these things, and half the time i lose interest in them and go back to my old methods anyways. Really, i'm just constantly on the lookout for something new and more interesting, as if, were i to continue this neverending search, one day i might find the pen or paintbrush that i find ultimately fulfilling, and from that day forward i will have no problem sitting down and honing my art skills and drawing comics and everything will be perfect.

In the end i know that this is stupid, and that there is no magic marker that will suddenly make this thing easier to do or keep up with, that will make me less lazy and more interested in buckling down every day to draw a comic. There is no cure for this psychological wanderlust that makes it so hard for me to focus on my projects.

That being said, the fountain pen was really a lot of fun to work with.

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