Thursday, June 5, 2008

So We'll Go No More A Roaming

I was having a bad day already, so when i read a friend's blog post about parting friendships, losses, and the inexhorable movement of everyone away from everyone - which was gently beautiful and deeply thoughtful but also rather depressing - i was not in the mood for making the ha-ha, as you kids call it these days. Re-found this poem yesterday when i was misunderstanding Ayano's request for a quote for taiko's end-of-the-year video.

Apologies for the spartan art. There was going to be colored backgrounds but photoshop started twigging out on me, so this is what you get.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I can see me in the picture. I think.

...and I sniffled a little. Real men don't get sad and get angry instead though, so I punched a hole in the wall.